Lemon Curd

This lemon curd is PERFECT to add to just about any baked good you can imagine! It’s great as a topping to your cheesecake, a filling to your macarons, or even by the spoonful (;

What you’ll need:
– 1/2 cup lemon juice (from 4-5 lemons)
– 1 Tablespoon lemon zest (from about 2 lemons)
– 1 cup sugar
– 5 egg yolks
– 1/2 cup butter
– 1/4 teaspoon salt

What you’ll do:
– In a medium sauce pan, whisk together the sugar and egg yolks.
– Whisk in the lemon juice and zest.
– Using a rubber spatula, stir in the butter over medium heat.
– Once the butter has melted into the rest of the ingredients and has come to a boil, reduce to a simmer and stir continuously for 10 minutes, making sure to constantly scrape the sides and bottom of the pan.
– Transfer the curd to a glass jar and place in the fridge once it’s cool enough to handle with ease.
– Allow the curd to cool completely before using so that it has time to thicken up.

A few notes:
– I used fresh juice but I don’t see an issue with using juice from a bottle. I do recommend adding in the zest though as it does contribute to the tanginess.
– You do need to consistently stir or you run the risk of getting lumps, so make sure that you can give your undivided attention.
– I personally like keeping the zest in my curd and see no reason to strain it out, but if you want it to be smoother then you can strain the zest out immediately after it’s done cooking.
– This recipe makes about 2 cups lemon curd and can be stored in the fridge for a couple weeks.