Peanut Butter Eggs

One of the best parts about any holiday is undeniably the themed peanut butter cups, and I think most of us can agree that the Easter eggs are better than the pumpkins and the trees. I said what I said. This peanut butter egg recipe is so quick and easy, I promise you will convert to the homemade version from here on out!

What you’ll need:
– 1/2 cup butter, room temperature
– 1/2 cup peanutbutter
– 2 cups powdered sugar (240g)
– 1/2 cup graham cracker crumbs (60g)
– 1 teaspoon vanilla
– a couple dashes cinnamon, optional
– 1 lb chocolate

What you’ll do:
– Cream together the butter and peanut butter until fully combined.
– Add in the remaining ingredients (minutes the chocolate) and mix until fully incorporated.
– Place the dough between 2 sheets of parchment paper. Using a rolling pin, flatten the dough so that it is 1/2 inch thick. Transfer to your freezer and let chill for about 10 minutes.
– Once the dough is firm, use a cookie cutter to cut out egg shapes and transfer to a parchment lined pan.
– Clump together the remaining bits of dough and repeat the rolling out, chilling, and cutting process until you have used up all of your dough.
– Place your egg cut outs in the fridge while you melt your chocolate. If the chocolate you use doesn’t have instructions, you’ll want to start by microwaving it for 1 minute, then stir. If there is still more chocolate to be melted, microwave for 10 more seconds and stir again. Repeat that process until it is fully melted.
– Quickly dip your eggs in the chocolate and place in the fridge to firm up. Depending on your chocolate, you may want to do this in batches as sometimes chocolate will dry with a white cast.
– Use any remaining chocolate to decorate the tops of your eggs and ENJOY!

A few notes:
– I had a difficult time finding an egg cookie cutter that wasn’t enormous. If you also find yourself facing that problem, or you simply don’t want to buy anything else, then you can just take a round metal cutter and bend it into the shape of an egg.
– This is the brand of chocolate that I used. It’s quick and easy to use, but it definitely does give me a white cast on my chocolate if I don’t pop it in the freezer quick enough.