Browned Butter Brownies

It took a few tries, but I’ve finally found a brownie recipe that tops a box mix! ( insert roaring applause here 😛 )

I think it’s safe to say we all grew up eating copious amounts of brownies that came from a box (or was that just me?). But as I started developing my own recipes, I had just about given up on creating a brownie that would be better than those tasty box mixes. But one day I stumbled upon a recipe that struck inspiration. The addition of browned butter and a serious cut back on sugar later and VOILA!, my browned butter brownies were born.

These brownies are seriously fudgy thanks to the full cup of melted chocolate chips. And the flavor developed from browning your butter is pure heaven!

What you’ll need:
– 1 cup butter
– 1 cup semi sweet chocolate chips (5.5 ounces)
– 1 cup white sugar (7.3 ounces)
– 1/2 cup brown sugar (4 ounces)
– 1 T vanilla
– 3 eggs
– 1 t salt
– 1 1/4 cups flour (6.25 ounces)
– 4 T cocoa powder

What you’ll do:
– Melt butter in a pan over medium/high heat. Once melted, stir continuously until browned. Pour over chocolate chips and let sit for a couple minutes (this will melt the chocolate).
– Preheat your oven to 350F and line a square baking dish with parchment.
– Whisk chocolate and browned butter together to make sure it is fully combined. Whisk in sugars.
– Whisk in eggs one at a time, then whisk in vanilla.
– Combine dry ingredients and whisk into chocolate mix.
– Pour into lined baking dish and bake 45 minutes.
– Allow to cool before cutting and ENJOY!

A few notes:
– If you’ve never browned butter before, I promise it’s much easier than you think! But here is a video if you want to see a quick demo to brown your butter.
– Feel free to add in any extra chocolate chips or nuts to your batter (maybe 1/2 – 1 cup)! Just be sure to do so after everything else is fully combined.
– It can be a bit tricky to tell if these are done since they are pretty fudgy. I personally like to do a temp check and make sure they are at at least 190F.
– If you cut into these while they are still hot, they will definitely appear under baked. If you want a crisp edged cut, try to let them cool for as long as you can stand.