Blueberry Poptarts

I’ll admit poptarts were never my thing growing up. I was definitely more of a toaster strudel kind of girl. But making them homemade is a TOTAL game changer!

These poptarts are made with a super flaky pie crust, blueberry filling, and a deliciously simple icing! There are a lot of moving parts to these poptarts, but I made sure to take pics of each step so you can follow along fairly easily.

What you’ll need for the pie crust:
– 8 ounces cold butter, diced
– 2 1/2 cups flour (11 ounces)
– 1 teaspoon salt
– 1 Tablespoon sugar
– 2 teaspoons vanilla
– 9 Tablespoons ice cold water

What you’ll need for the filling:
– 1 cup blueberries
– 2 Tablespoons sugar
– 1/4 teaspoon salt

What you’ll need for assembly:
– 1 egg
– 1 Tablespoon water

What you’ll need for the icing:
– 1 Tablespoon filling
– 1 Tablespoon milk/water
– 1 1/2 cups powdered sugar
– sprinkles

What you’ll do:
– Add your butter, flour, salt, and sugar to a food processor. Pulse several times until crumbly (I do this 10x on mine). ALTERNATELY, if you do not have a food processor you can add these ingredients to a large bowl and use your fingers to work the butter into the flour (that will likely take several minutes).
– If using a food processor, add your mixture to a large bowl with your vanilla and water. Use your hands to fold the ingredients together until it all begins to come together into a ball. Divide into two and use your hands to form the two pieces into a flattened disc (this will help with rolling out the dough later). Place in the refrigerator for at least one hour.
– While your dough is chilling, add the ingredients for your filling to a small sauce pan and turn the heat to medium high. Stirring occasionally, bring the mixture to a boil. Reduce to medium, and continue to stir until the berries have broken down.
– Add your mixture to a vitamix/food processor/etc. and blend until smooth. Add back to your pan on medium heat and cook until it has thickened (it should coat the back of a spoon). Transfer to a bowl and place in the refrigerator to cool.
– On a floured surface, roll out one disc of dough. Using a cookie cutter or a knife, cut out 9 rectangles to measure 2 x 3 inches.
– Place each rectangle on a covered baking sheet and spread 1 1/2 teaspoons of filling, leaving some space clean along the edges. Place in the refrigerator.
– Roll out the second disc of dough and repeat the same process as before to cut out 9 rectangles. Using your finger, dab some water around the edges of the rectangles that have the filling and top with the newly cut out rectangles.
– Use a fork to gently press a seem around the edges of the poptarts and pierce the tops a couple times to allow steam to release during baking. Place in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
– Preheat your oven to 350 degrees
– Whisk together the egg and water and brush over the tops of the pastries just before placing in the oven.
– Bake for 20 – 25 minutes or until golden brown.
– While the poptarts are cooling, combine the icing ingredients in a small bowl. Once the poptarts are cooled, divide the icing between each poptart with a spoon and top with sprinkles.

A few notes:
– It is super important that your butter and water are COLD. Keep the butter in the fridge until just before you need to use it. For the water, you can make a large glass of ice water and then measure out the amount that you need.
– If you do not have a food processor, it will be easier for you to do by your hands if you cut the butter into tiny pieces before hand.
– I’ve only used blueberries for this recipe, but you can definitely use a different fruit. Just keep in mind that you may want to adjust the amount of sugar.
– If you do not have a cookie cutter, I recommend making a template to keep things even.
– When I roll out my dough, I usually only get 6 rectangles at first. Instead of balling up the dough, I stack it on top of itself and then roll that back out. This well better preserve the flaky layers.
– These are best eaten the same day (not that I don’t 100% eat them a few days later). But if you want them to be fresh for an event and don’t want the hassle of making them the same day, you can absolutely make these several days in advance and then bake the day of your event. Just make sure to wrap them up to keep them fresh!
– Keep scrolling to see pictures of each step!