Beet Smoothie

My favorite post run meal is by far a smoothie! It’s refreshing, tasty, and packed full of nutrients (if you play your cards right!). Since I typically treat my smoothie as a meal, I make sure it’s got lots of protein and veggies. I used to be pretty big on spinach smoothies, but this year has been all about beets! I’ve been so obsessed with the unique flavor it brings when combined with fruit that I’ve had at least 2 of these a week for a solid 3 months now! If you’re already skeptical of beets, then consider this a step in the right direction to adding another vegetable to your “Will Eat” column!

What you’ll need:
– 1/2 cup beets
– 1/2 cup frozen fruit
– 1/2 cup egg whites
– 1/2 cup liquid of choice
– 1/4 of a banana

What you’ll do:
– Toss everything into your blender and blend until emulsified.
– If it’s a bit thick for your liking, go ahead and throw in some more liquid and reblend.
– Pour into a glass and ENJOY!

A few notes:
– I use canned beets just to make things go a bit quicker. A 1/2 cup is the equivalent to a half of a can.
– You really can’t go wrong with the fruit you choose here. Blueberries are probably my favorite option, but strawberries, raspberries, and cherries (or a combination) all taste great too!
– I buy pasteurized egg whites that come in the carton to use for this. I promise you can’t tell they are there, but if you can’t get past it then you can definitely substitute protein powder.
– For the liquid I like to use half milk and half water. I used to just use water but I find that the milk makes it a bit creamier.
– I use the banana to add some sweetness, so the amount you use all depends on how ripe your banana is and how sweet you want your smoothie to be.