Dairy Free Pesto

If you’ve never tried pesto before, then let me be the first to say that you are seriously missing out on something incredibly tasty! l only just discovered it a couple years ago myself, but I’ve come close to making up for all those lost years with all the times I’ve made it. Now I know that pesto is traditionally made with parmesan cheese, but the first recipe I tried happened to be a dairy free option and I just never saw any reason to divert.

Pesto is one of those sauces that’s seriously yummy on just about anything! My go to lately has been to add it to my turkey wraps for lunch. But some other great uses include adding it to your shredded chicken (which I then add to a baked potato), mixing it with spaghetti squash (or any noodle!), and even using it as a dip for your veggies!

Another thing I love about this pesto recipe is that it’s super versatile to make. Lately I’ve been making mine with walnuts (I may have bought an unnecessarily large bag), but it’s just as great with the more traditional option of pine nuts. Also, while pesto typically implies using a hefty amount of basil, it’s not always easy to get your hands on so you can supplement with spinach (let’s be real, you probably have some already in your fridge going bad).

What you’ll need:
1/2 cup walnuts
2 cups basil/spinach, packed
1/3 cup light olive oil
1 Tablespoon garlic
1 Tablespoon lemon juice
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon fresh cracked pepper

What you’ll do:
– Add everything to your food processor.
– Process at a low speed for 10 seconds. Remove the lid and scrape down the sides with a spatula.
– Continue this process a couple more times until everything is pretty evenly processed. Be careful not to over do it, we’re aiming for a bit of texture here.
– Add to anything and everything and ENJOY!

A few notes:
– I usually end up using 1/2 cup of basil at the most, so don’t worry about not having enough. As long as you get a decent handful in there then the flavor will pull through.
– If you aren’t a spinach fan, don’t worry! You won’t be able to taste it. There are so many other strong flavors in this recipe that the spinach is completely over powered.
– I like my pesto on the chunkier side, so if you want it to be a little saucier then I would suggest adding more olive oil a Tablespoon at a time until you reach your desired consistency.
– I’m on a bit of a fresh cracked pepper kick, so if that’s not your jam, maybe cut it down to a 1/4 teaspoon.
– Pesto definitely tastes better the next day, so try making it in advance if you can!