Berry Scary Ghost Pies

I love a good pun – especially when it involves food! These ghost pies are filled with strawberry jam, topped with a ghost white icing, and perfect for any Halloween get together!

What you’ll need for the ghosts:
– 1 full recipe of my Homemade Pie Dough
– 1/4 cup strawberry jam
– 1 egg yolk
– 1 Tablespoon milk

What you’ll need for the icing:
– 1 1/4 cups powdered sugar
– 1 Tablespoon + 1 teaspoon water
– black non-pareils

What you’ll do:
– Roll out half of your chilled pie dough on a sheet of parchment paper or a silicone baking mat so that it is 1/4 inch thick. Use a ghost cookie cutter to cut out 9 ghosts and transfer to a lined baking sheet.
– Add strawberry jam to the centers of the ghosts, leaving 1/4 inch space around the edges.
– Roll out the remaining pie dough and cut out 9 more ghosts.
– Using your finger tip or a small pastry brush, brush water along the edges of the ghosts containing the filling. Top with the newly cut out ghosts and seal using a fork.
– Place in the freezer while you preheat your oven to 425F.
– While you wait for your oven to heat, whisk together the egg yolk and 1 Tablespoon milk.
– Just before baking, quickly brush the ghosts with the egg mixture.
– Bake for 18 minutes, or until your ghosts are golden brown.
– When your ghosts are cooled, whisk together the powdered sugar and water to make the icing. Transfer to a piping bag with a #1 tip and then outline and flood your ghosts. While the icing is still wet, place on the black eyes.

A few notes:
– It’s important to keep your dough chilled throughout the assembly process so make sure to refrigerate it if you need to step away.
– If you are having trouble with your ghosts sticking to the parchment after cutting them out, I found that placing the entire thing in the freezer for a couple minutes really helped with transferring them onto the baking sheet.
– These are best if eaten the day they are made. If you are wanting to bring them to a party, I would recommend getting them ready for the oven the night before, wrapping them up, and then just keeping them in the fridge until you are ready to bake them.